keskiviikko 4. helmikuuta 2009

Microblogging and PR

The concept of microblogging as a part of PR work seems rather confusing. The fast paced evolution of communication and turbulent media environment forces PR professional seek out for innovative and customized ways to reach its audience. Moreover the influencers are not to be reached by random untargeted pitching.

The audience cannot be considered as a large bulk like to the word public in the term Public Relations suggests. Brian Solis, in his blog PR 2.0, states that the modern interpretation of PR translates to Personalized Relationships. The randomly targeted spamming via new communication innovations serves no one and more specified, individual and personalized communication is required in the message filled environment to be noticed by the wanted audiences.

Therefore, the tools in use have to be accordingly. Twitter provides an on-line channel for PR people for reaching desired audiences in an effective and productive way. In middle of information flood the bloggers face the users of Twitter have to fit their message in 140 characters. Twitter helps them pick good stories as the PR people concentrating to pitch the relevant parts of it.

The confusing part is that the even though Twitter may provide a tool to personalized communication the Twitter itself seems to offer rather limited communication space and therefore very little room for personify the messages or the actually build personal relations or networks within the 140 characters.

However, I tried.

1 kommentti:

  1. A very good point about how Twitter lacks in "customer friendliness". Building personal relations in a limited space is challenging.
